Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fastfood... my Savior!

Growing up, I always ate home-cooked meals.  My mother would always make sure that breakfast had either eggs (cooked to your liking), crisp bacon strips, freshly-baked muffins (sometimes toast), oatmeal from fresh oats, pancakes with maple syrup topped with butter or strawberries (or raspberries, my favorite).  What's for lunch?  Baked fish, steamed or stir-fried veggies, beef stew or pork chops -- these were all eaten with jasmine rice, the best white rice ever.  And dinner was always the meal we all look forward to.  This was where a major entree was served and the dessert was always delectable because my mother always came up with an original.

Then I went on to study outside town as a teenager.  I stayed in a dorm and the food was average compared to mother's cooking.  They took canned meat and mixed them with vegetables and called it "corned beef with vegetables soup" or "pork and beans with bokchoy leaves".  The weekends were days I always got excited because I would go home to my mother's cooking.

When I went on to college, that's when I did grow up.  My school was thousands of miles away from my home.  I was left on my own.  My parents just gave me an "allowance" that would pay for my expenses in school, transportation, and yes, food.  My world suddenly became so fast-paced and hectic.  I had study groups, out-of-town retreats, homework, projects, reports... I barely had time to socialize with my friends from high school.  Amidst all this chaos in my life, the daunting reality about food made my life even worse... I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK!

After I survived the "denial" of this reality, which lasted for about 10 seconds, my love affair with fastfood began.  I discovered hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries, ice cream, frozen dinners, chips, chili fries, ramen, and Chinese food-to-go.  Fastfood saved me from starvation.  It has enabled me to cope with my lack of "cooking talent".

To this day, I continue to be grateful to MacDonald's, Carl's Jr., Jack-in-the-Box, Wendy's, Burger King, El Pollo Loco, KFC, Popeye's, just to name a few.  Also, thank you to the numerous Chinese fastfood joints.

I still do miss my mother's cooking...


  1. I also accept fast food as my savior, it finds me whenever I am lost. But no fast food can ever compare to mom's cooking, i think everyone can agree with that.

  2. Rowena, your blog is so funny and true, I am in the same boat! And your right moms food is the best!

  3. Hi Rowena! I totally agree. There's nothing that can compare to mom's cooking! I also love fast food too! That's all I've been eating since college started! lol

  4. Hi Juana,
    No wonder your husband cooks up a feast for you to bring to work. You still make the best chicken salad.

  5. How would anyone survive with out it? In this day and age it is almost impossible to work/school and cook home meals.

  6. I remember how much fun it was going out with people from college and chowing down! It was a social event.

  7. I think fast foods sticking point is its convienance. Can't boil water? McDonalds! I'm sure many college students have found themselves in the same position. Sure beats the Top Ramen diet.

  8. there is nothing like home cooked meals. that was pretty funny about not knowing how to cook it made me laugh.

  9. It's never too late to learn! Cooking can be as much a social event as dinner out with a friends. Sooo, bribe a few of your kitchen savvy friends over with the promise of a delicious cocktail and get a free lesson, free meal, and some good company.

  10. I realy liked when you described how your mom cooked.It looked very tasty.I also missed my mom and her cooking too.

  11. Jasmine rice is the greatest ... and fat free! But cooking is easier than you think. Good luck with that one.

  12. Ever since I started cooking I realized how fun it is! Yeah you have to eat a few burnt ones once in a while but its worth it!

  13. I am SO jeaouls of all the homecooked meals you ate as a child. Seriously? i thought people only ate that well in movies haha.

  14. I really enjoyed how you described your food. It made me want to have some of your breakfast you had a kid. This says a lot about your writing.
