They all used staggering statistics which literally scared the crap out of me. In 18 minutes, 4 Americans dies of diet-related diseases. USA is the most unhealthy nation in the world. Diet-related illnesses are the number one killers in the nation. Most moving is the picture of a 19-year old woman, severely obese, and has only 6 years to live. The visuals of coffins made me just close my eyes, almost in tears. They illustrated and presented some shocking revelations and heart-moving truths.
What is going on? Are we slowly killing our children and this is being supported by our government? Must we just move on and take in everything that they serve us just because it is convenient?
Inspiring enough, the three speakers provide us with a clear-cut solutions which they admittedly think are "easier said than done." Cooper is adamant about schools creating a healthy menu for the lunches. Oliver's project is to set up shop in each school where children will be taught how to cook healthy food.
I know that junk food is not all that healthy, and I do eat it. But after listening to them and remembering what I have learned on Fast Food Nation, I am seriously considering revamping my diet and heed to Mark Bittman's advice: Less meat, less junk, more plants.